Nature Connection

As our species have become more urbanised, and urban environments dominate the landscape, humans have undergone a radical change to the way we live. This shift of lifestyle from being in nature to living apart from nature has effectively cut us off from interacting with a natural environment that has shaped our evolution as a species.

Our evolution in nature over 100,000’s of years has made us highly attuned and adapted to living in the natural environment. However, over the last 1000 years we are experiencing a significant reduction in our interaction with nature due to the rise of urbanisation. Research shows, when we reduce the amount of contact we have with nature our mental and physical wellbeing can be negatively impacted.

To address this disconnection organizations like Nature Connection Australia, offer nature connection program which is designed to reintroduce individuals to the benefits of engaging with the natural world.

Our new urban lifestyles over the last 1000 years have reduced:

• The frequency of seeing animals and birdlife in the wild

• How often our eyes are exposed to natural scenery, not manmade structures.

• The amount of blue and green light that comes into our eyes.

• Feeling the breeze, sun, and rain on our skin, and though our other senses.

• Feelings of awe and peace when in nature.

• Smelling natural aromas drifting on the wind.

• Hearing the soundscape of nature.

• Sense of being connected to nature.

Nature connection has been identified as essential to our wellbeing, as getting a good nights sleep, exercise and balanced nutrition.

Being present and engaging with nature, we experience a greater sense of wellbeing and a reduction in stress. And when we lack this connection to nature, our mental and physical health suffers.

Scientific evidence shows that a lack of nature connection, leads to an increase in stress levels, pathology and other health conditions.

Stress, both short and long term can contribute to related medical conditions.

These include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and mental health issues.

Stress can be caused by:

• being under pressure from work, family, relationships.

• when confronted by a big change in your life.

• feelings of lack of control.

• your responsibilities are overwhelming.

• don’t have enough work, money, people in your life.

• you might be experiencing discrimination, hate or abuse.

• An existing or new health condition.

When we start to have these stressful feelings, one of the best things we can all do is to stop off in a park or go into your garden and get a stress reducing nature fix.

A simple way to re-start having a connection with nature is the idea of a ‘sit spot’.

A ‘sit spot’ practice is a place where you get to observe and be observed in a natural environment.

What better way is there to know a place? When you get to know your nature, you can really start to feel right at home.

Its so easy to start, and anyone can do it.

All it takes is simply finding a place in nature to quietly observe the goings on.

Listening to the birds, watching the movement of the trees, perhaps hearing the trickle of water, or the sounds of the leaves as they rustle in the breeze.

Find a place you can visit regularly, perhaps a park or a garden.

Get to know the place at different times of the day, through the different seasons.

You might like to take a journal and record what you observe, hear, and feel.

Consider drawing what you see. Even if drawing does not come easy to you, try to draw or sketch.

This act of creating from what you observe from your ‘sit spot’ helps to deepen the awareness of your environment and increase your attention to your senses.

The ‘sit spot’ practice you can do, even if you live in an urban environment. It’s a simple way to reclaim your connection with nature.

  • The ‘sit spot’ practice is to

  • Give ourselves space for noticing our thoughts and emotions

  • Get to know the wildlife close to our home

  • Connect with beauty and joy on our doorstep

  • Support our mental well-being

  • Explore our innate belonging in nature

  • Learn from the rest of the natural world

  • You can do this alone or with others

When we invite nature connection Australia into our lives, we become more deeply aware of the natural rhythms and patterns and other creatures and plants, in a way that also adds depth to our own lives.

Nature connection program helps us to recognise the relationship we have with the earth and all the other passengers on it. To develop our understanding of how our connection with nature is intricately linked with what happens to ourselves, the planet and is part of our life’s journey.

Through Forest Therapy and Forest Bathing experiences we are transforming our relationship with nature to one of awareness, of how nature flows through us and all living things and that we too are nature. Through Forest Therapy and forest bathing sessions we provide the tools that restore a sense of mental and physical wellbeing.